The Stone Tarot


_3 The Empress _8 Strength_3 Three of Cups19 The Sun21 The Universe

_1 Ace of Swords_3 Three of Cups10 Ten of Pentacles11 Page of Wands14 King of Cups



The cards in the Stone Tarot Deck are reproduced from original oil paintings by artist Alison Stone.  Ms. Stone has spent a decade producing the paintings, which represent her interpretation of the divination deck, using color to evoke the spiritual and emotional meanings of the cards.  Using her background as a poet, artist, healer and Wiccan Priestess, she combines art and mysticism to produce a deck which reflects the integration and synthesis of the two.


The deck consists of seventy-nine cards: the 22 Major Arcana, the 56 Minor Arcana divided intalisonstone.infoo four suits, and a blank card for those who incorporate that into their readings.  Each suit has four face cards, while the ace through ten are numbered representations of each suit (pips). The reproductions are of high quality, maintaining the artistic integrity of the original paintings.  Included is a one-sheet discussion of tarot, card interpretations, and a sample spread. The deck comes shrink-wrapped in a cardboard box with a plastic cover. The cards are 3 and 1/4 inches by 5 inches, with an original abstract as the common back.


The deck follows the classical tarot naming and numbering tradition with one minor variation; it is gender balanced. For two of the Minor Arcana suits, the Page is a male and the rider on the horse is a female (Amazon).  For the other two suits, the Page is a female and the rider is a male (Knight).  



Announcing the Publication of Alison Stone’s second poetry book – a tarot companion book


Parallel Press is pleased to announce the publication of From the Fool to the World, a new collection of poetry by Alison Stone (Parallel Press, 2012).  The poems in this collection make up a series in the voices of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Stone’s poetry extends and complements her own work as a visual artist in creating the Stone Tarot. The poems are rich with visual language and are filled with stories of light, journeys, and transformation: If you won’t dance, /then who’s the fool? / Inside my cloth bag – apple, table, stallion, sky. / Come! The rich / cliff tempts like wine.




To order the Stone Tarot deck:


      -  U.S.:  $25 plus $6 postage and handling per deck ($25)                

           No postage and handling charge for orders of 5 or more decks.    

      -  Canada and Mexico: $20 plus $14 postage and handling ($34) per deck    

      -  Sorry, but we no longer sell decks outside the US except to Canada and Mexico


     Payment either by:            

   -  PayPal [] - send mailing address via e-mail]


   -  Send check or money order made out to 'Stone' from US bank or foreign bank with a US branch to:

              Stone Tarot

              10 Nancy Lane

              Framingham, MA 01701, USA

Please allow 2 weeks for delivery in the US.  Becasue of transprtationn delays to other countries due to the virus, much longer delauys 

should be expected.

For additional information: or (508) 877-9367



About the artist:


Alison Stone is a licensed psychotherapist, widely published poet, Kripalu yoga teacher, and Reiki Master.  In addition to the tarot, Alison's paintings have covered other themes including goddesses, abstracts, and jungle scenes.  Her paintings have been exhibited at the Danforth Museum of Art, Ceres Gallery, Kripalu Center, and other galleries and venues in Manhattan, New York State, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia Beach, and London. Her first book of poems, They Sing at Midnight, won the Many Mountains Moving Poetry Award for 2003 and is now available.  Her fourth poetry book, Dangerous Enough, was published in 2014 by Presa Press. She maintains a private practice in New York City.  Ms Stone is available for commissions and can be reached 212) 560-5690.




Back of Card   Links:

   Alison Stone's Home Page

   Interview wth Alison Stone

   To See What Rises Poetry by Alison Stone

   Walk through of deck

   Review of deck in YouTube

   Holistic Psychotherapy, Yoga, and Reiki




Celestial Abstract –
image on back of cards

Site last updated on: March 9, 2025